How to Cancel Scheduled Email in Outlook

Cancel Scheduled Email in Outlook

How to Cancel Scheduled Email in Outlook?– Outlook is one of the most widely used email services. It has several features that make it very convenient to use. One of these features is the ability to schedule emails to be sent at a later time. However, there are times when you may need to cancel a scheduled email.

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Steps to Cancel Scheduled Email in Outlook

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to cancel a scheduled email in Outlook.

Step 1: Open Outlook 

The first step to canceling a scheduled email is to open Outlook. You can do this by clicking on the Outlook icon on your desktop or by searching for Outlook in the Start menu.

Step 2: Go to the Outbox Folder

 Once you have opened Outlook, you need to go to the Outbox folder. The Outbox folder is where all the unsent messages are stored. To access the Outbox folder, click on the “Send/Receive” tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen. Then click on the “Send/Receive Groups” drop-down menu and select “Define Send/Receive Groups.”

Step 3: Define Send/Receive Groups 

In the “Define Send/Receive Groups” window, you will see a list of all your email accounts. Select the account that you used to schedule the email you want to cancel. Then click on the “Edit” button.

Step 4: Change the Send/Receive Settings 

In the “Account Settings” window, you will see a number of options. Find the “Send/Receive Settings” option and click on it. In the “Send/Receive Settings” window, you will see a list of all the groups you have defined. Select the group that contains the email you want to cancel and click on the “Edit” button.

Step 5: Turn Off Automatic Send/Receive

In the “Edit Send/Receive Settings” window, uncheck the box next to “Schedule an automatic send/receive every x minutes.” This will turn off the automatic send/receive feature for this group. Click on “OK” to save the changes.

Step 6: Go to the Outbox Folder Again 

Now that you have turned off the automatic send/receive feature, you need to go back to the Outbox folder. Click on the “Mail” tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen. Then click on the “Outbox” folder.

Step 7: Delete the Scheduled Email 

In the Outbox folder, you will see all the unsent messages. Find the email you want to cancel and right-click on it. Select “Delete” from the context menu. You will be asked if you want to delete the email. Click on “Yes” to confirm.

Step 8: Empty the Deleted Items Folder 

Once you have deleted the scheduled email, it will be moved to the Deleted Items folder. To completely remove the email from Outlook, you need to empty the Deleted Items folder. Right-click on the Deleted Items folder and select “Empty Folder” from the context menu. You will be asked if you want to permanently delete all the items in the folder. Click on “Yes” to confirm.


Canceling a scheduled email in Outlook is a simple process. By following these steps, you can ensure that the email is not sent at the scheduled time. It is important to remember that once an email has been sent, it cannot be recalled or canceled. Therefore, it is important to double-check your emails before sending them to avoid any unwanted consequences.